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Richard James Clark

BSc, MBBS, LicAc, DipMedAc, DipHumPsych, FHEA.

I became interested in pain while studying neurophysiology in 1971, the same year that James Reston launched acupuncture into the Western consciousness with his article in the New York Times.  I studied traditional acupuncture and orthodox medicine concurrently and graduated in both in 1976.  During the following four decades I practised, researched and taught acupuncture in the context of holistic medicine.  I retired from practice earlier than I would have liked, due to an inherited familial tremor that made some aspects of acupuncture practice quite challenging.  At least it gave me more time for writing.

As a member of both British Acupuncture Council and British Medical Acupuncture Society, I worked to foster interprofessional collaboration.

In 1999 I was commissioned by the NHS to develop and provide courses in acupuncture for podiatrists, validated by the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.  This led to a review of the available evidence and the co-publication of two reviews of the use of acupuncture for heel pain: a Systematic Review and a Critical Interpretive Synthesis

Frustrated by the limitations of journal articles, I explored the topic further and wrote it all up in a book, which is now available: “Advances in acupuncture for heel pain:towards integrative practice and research