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Having a pain in your heel can be a real downer – I know, I’ve been there. Some people end up trying all sorts of treatments without success and it can drag on for months or even years. The problem is, the experts can’t agree on what is the best treatment. Perhaps this is not surprising because people are all different so there is no single best treatment.

From my own experience, as patient, practitioner and researcher, I know that acupuncture has potential to help people with heel pain.  Yet it is still not mentioned in any of the official guidelines. So I set out, with colleagues, to review all of the available evidence. This website is the culmination of that process, together with my book. I want to bring together everything we found to make it available for all to use.

I hope to create a space where everyone can contribute to the discussion, to develop better ways to create and share knowledge. Please come and join in.  Register your interest on the contacts page and I will keep you updated when there are changes.

I shall use the Blog pages here to develop threads that emerged from the earlier studies, and to discuss any new publications that come to my attention.  I look forward to receiving your comments, to get some discussion going.

Finally I plan to start creating a knowledge base – AcuPHPedia – where we can pool knowledge on this subject.


There is evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for PHP … comparable to the evidence available for conventionally used interventions … acupuncture should be considered in recommendations for the management of patients with PHP …”

Acupunct Med 2012;30:298–306